Chimpanzee hand grips
Chimpanzee hand grips

T1 - Muscle dimensions in the chimpanzee hand Shortening of the metacarpals and the intervening interosseous muscles might accordingly be a prerequisite for the evolution of human precision-grip capabilities.", This suggests that the human intrinsic muscle architecture is relatively more adapted to dexterous manipulative functions.

chimpanzee hand grips

However, a new finding was that relative PCSA, which reflects a muscle's capacity to generate force, might have increased slightly in humans as a result of relatively shorter muscle fiber length. The interosseous muscles were also confirmed to be relatively larger in the chimpanzee. Comparisons of the hand musculature of the measured chimpanzee with corresponding published human data indicated that the chimpanzee has relatively larger forearm flexors but smaller thenar eminence muscles, as observed in previous studies. The consistency of our measurements was confirmed by comparison with the published data on chimpanzees. Shortening of the metacarpals and the intervening interosseous muscles might accordingly be a prerequisite for the evolution of human precision-grip capabilities.Ībstract = "We dissected the forearms and hands of a female chimpanzee and systematically recorded mass, fiber length, and physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) of all muscles including those of intrinsic muscles that have not been reported previously.

chimpanzee hand grips chimpanzee hand grips

We dissected the forearms and hands of a female chimpanzee and systematically recorded mass, fiber length, and physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA) of all muscles including those of intrinsic muscles that have not been reported previously.

Chimpanzee hand grips