Next space rebels ending
Next space rebels ending

next space rebels ending

I wasn’t in his aim-point by the time the blaster bolt – and it was indeed a bright red blaster bolt – left the weapon I’d… sensed the flash of hostile intent, and had instinctively moved, flowing into a low stance, then back up and rearing back. Excuses!” the officer snarled, snapping his Blaster up and firing. “- don’t-know-where-I-am-or-how-I-got-here.” I finished quickly, nearly biting my tongue in my haste. “Let’s see if a fine, and a few days in lockup will teach you not to ignore the governor’s broadcasts.”Īh… not good… I don’t have anything to pay a fine with… and I don’t think I can talk my way out of this…Īnd this piece of work seems to be spoiling for an opportunity to hurt me. “ No excuses!” the Stormtrooper barked, cutting me off. “I really wasn’t aware that there was a curfew in effect,” I said. “Shut up,” the Stormtrooper with the pauldron growled. I know what I look like, but I assure you, I’m unarmed,” I said, slowly raising my hands to shoulder height. These… aren’t cosplayers… This isn’t Disneyland. Especially since they made an entirely too authentic sound, like that Clone Trooper raising his weapon against Bail in Episode 3.Īnd even more so with the sensation of danger that was rattling around at the back of my skull. I stopped, recoiling in shock as they levelled their blaster props at me in an aggressive fashion that had me doubting they were props. Galaxy’s Edge is set after The Force Awakens, after all. Though why would they be using Imperial Stormtrooper armour rather than First Order Stormtrooper armour? Just some cosplayers, or maybe Disneyland staff in costume.Ī good sign that I wasn’t in the time period I’d feared. With that, instincts kicked in, and I rounded to face whoever was approaching.Īnd got another big surprise when I saw a squad of Stormtroopers approaching me, complete with blaster props in hand.Īfter a moment of confusion, I relaxed. I spent the next several minutes panicking, fully aware of that fact and trying to get myself under control with various exercises I’d learned – which… weren’t helping, as using my senses to bring myself back into the moment just reminded me of what had happened to me, especially one point where I opened my mouth and not only got a huge input of smell (Jacobson’s organ, or some equivalent, a part of my brain noted) but also felt my mouth open far too wide – before something made me suddenly freeze in place. If I’m in the body of the Viper King, is this during the ADVENT occupation? I was standing on an unfamiliar street, and the buildings around me were… odd. I wasn’t in any kind of bedroom I wasn’t even inside. The last I could remember was going to bed, expecting it to be just another day for me come morning.Īnd on top of what had happened to my body, there was my surroundings. I was struggling to process this strange and unbelievable turn of events. “What the freaking hell?!” I spluttered, my brain whirling as I frantically patted at my head, flinching when I found the horned crown somehow securely attached atop it and… the spiked hood spreading out behind it. Coiled beneath me was a long, serpentine body, which led up into a humanoid torso clad in armour I recognised. And rather familiar-looking.Īnd… I’d pushed myself up, but I’d gone right from laying down to… not quite standing, as such. Tetradactyl – four digits, for those not familiar with biology parlance three fingers and an opposable thumb, in this case – with long, lethal-looking claws, and covered in pale blue-grey and white scales. I froze the instant it made contact, before slowly removing it and opening my eyes to examine it. I groaned and pushed myself up, bringing a hand to my pounding head. So I hope you enjoy, and without further ado, here it is: Plus, I intend to avoid the canon-retread trap, and have things start diverging pretty wildly pretty quickly. Now, I haven't watched the show (yet planning to as soon as I find enough time to binge the series), but I've seen clips, so don't worry about spoilers. And for once, I have more than one chapter prepared for this. Hey everyone, and welcome to my latest project, one I hope to continue to its conclusion (by keeping my interest on it via alternate means).

Next space rebels ending